The complete list of POA Structures that include location, drainage report and site images can be downloaded to Google Earth here
In 1991 the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) required all states to provide Plans of Action (POA) for scour critical bridges. A nationwide mandated requirement by the FHWA, tasked the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) to re-evaluate and develop POA reports for each of the 243 bridges identified as scour critical or structures with unknown foundations. cdot created a program to address the scour critical bridges and create a multi-disciplinary POA team. As a part of this effort, Hydrau-Tech, Inc. was in charge of conducting 135 POA studies and developed individualized reports for each structure over a period of three years. As of September 2013, Hydrau-Tech, Inc. has completed 113 POA reports for CDOT, along with an additonal 19 reports for structures with unknown foundations. Links to some of the POA structures can be found below.